Philip’s birthday

Sunrise: 3:38

Today is Philip’s birthday. Believe it or not, the sun is shining, and all the mountains are showing their tops. Mum woke me up in the morning. I hate this, but dad needed my help, because he was baking pancakes for breakfast. I got dressed and ran to the kitchen (we were sleeping tonight in a camp with a real kitchen). I came into the kitchen and smelled American pancakes. Dad baked enough for the whole camp, so he said. I washed the dishes. Mum prepared the table for our birthday breakfast.

When we finished baking pancakes, we took them to the camper. But in this moment mum called for help because our clothes were dried in the tumbler, so we needed to lay them together. Then we met all together for breakfast. We did not sing, because Philip does not like us to. But we played a birthday song, and he got a present. He got a Norwegian Troll with the message: I am watching you and a jacket for Scandinavian Explorers. Then we finally got to eat our Pancakes. They were delicious.

After breakfast we prepared the camper for going South, our aim is to drive to Sweden today.  We still had to get camping gas for our camper, because we ran out of it, luckily it was no problem to fill our bottle.  Then we finally started to drive. We followed once again the coast along the fjords, finally seeing all the mountains we before only suspected that they are there because they were painted on the map. We had to cross a part of a fjord with a ferry but could not check the timetable. When we arrived at the ferry they only showed that we should hurry to drive on, because they wanted to leave immediately. So we had a nice peaceful crossing over the …fjord. Then we followed E6 south often along fjords, but also crossing more than 20 tunnels within 150 km.

In the evening we finally came to high mountains which are on the border to Sweden. We drove to the border, but there were waiting a lot of cars coming to Norway, and the direction of Sweden seemed closed. We asked the policeman if we can cross the border. He said no problem, just drive slowly pass all the other cars, because for going to Norway you need a Corona test, as I needed circa 10 days ago. Swedish policeman we did not meet at all because they do not control people coming from Norway. We drove through high mountains without trees and only covered with grass. Then we crossed the Polar circle again, this time southwards and decided that it is time for a break. We found a nice place for sleeping, had Hotdogs for dinner and now we will go to bed. Good night, Hanna 😊

Sunset: 22:45 (kilometer 6.617)

1 comment

  1. Tudi mi čestitamo Phillipu za rojstni dan in mu želimo obilo zdravja, veselja in veliko razigranih mladostnih dnih🌞🌞🎂🎂🎂🎂

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